Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Details about OM: Debug Level profile in Order Management

OM: Debug Level  -  ONT_DEBUG_LEVEL

This profile option is used to store debug messages to assist in problem identification. The OM: Debug profile option controls which debug messages get written to the debug log based on their assigned level. The directory to be specified for this profile should be available in utl_file_dir parameter of the init.ora file (or check v$parameter) of the application database instance.
Assigning a value greater than 0 or NULL causes debugging to be turned on. The value of this option determines the level of debug messages printed within a log file. For example, if OM: Debug Level has a current value of 3, all debugging messages with a level of 1,2 or 3 will be spooled out to the debug log.
Valid values for this profile option are:
NULL: Do not print any debug messages
1:Level 1; Print a limited subset of debug messages (level 1)
2:Level 2; Print a limited subset of debug messages, including level 1
3:Level 3; Print a limited subset of debug messages, including levels 1,2
4:Level 4; Print a limited subset of debug messages, including levels 1,2 3
5:Level 5; Print all debug messages
If you set this profile option to a value other than NULL, system performance may be affected, because creating and updating a debug log is a task that will consume a lot of system resources as you enter higher debug levels.
Order Management recommends you set this profile option only if you are attempting to gather additional details for unexpected application issues and then reset the value back to NULL once you have gathered the necessary debug details.

The default for this profile option is NULL.

Sample update script using oe_order_pub.process_order api

   v_header_rec   oe_order_pub.header_rec_type;
   v_line_tbl     oe_order_pub.line_tbl_type;
-- Line Record --
   v_line_tbl (1) := oe_order_pub.g_miss_line_rec; --oe_order_pub.G_MISS_LINE_TBL;
   v_line_tbl (1).last_update_date := SYSDATE;
   v_line_tbl (1).last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
   v_line_tbl (1).last_update_login := fnd_global.login_id;
   v_line_tbl (1).header_id := l_header_id; --fetch the value
   v_line_tbl (1).line_id := l_line_id; --fetch the value
   v_line_tbl (1).operation := oe_globals.g_opr_update;
   v_line_tbl (1).change_reason := 'MANUAL';
   v_line_tbl (1).ship_to_org_id := 2456;

-- API Begin
   oe_order_pub.process_order (
      p_api_version_number=> v_api_version_number,
      p_header_rec=> v_header_rec,
      p_line_tbl=> v_line_tbl
-- OUT variables
      x_header_rec=> v_header_rec_out,
      x_header_val_rec=> v_header_val_rec_out,
      x_header_adj_tbl=> v_header_adj_tbl_out,
      x_header_adj_val_tbl=> v_header_adj_val_tbl_out,
      x_header_price_att_tbl=> v_header_price_att_tbl_out,
      x_header_adj_att_tbl=> v_header_adj_att_tbl_out,
      x_header_adj_assoc_tbl=> v_header_adj_assoc_tbl_out,
      x_header_scredit_tbl=> v_header_scredit_tbl_out,
      x_header_scredit_val_tbl=> v_header_scredit_val_tbl_out,
      x_line_tbl=> v_line_tbl_out,
      x_line_val_tbl=> v_line_val_tbl_out,
      x_line_adj_tbl=> v_line_adj_tbl_out,
      x_line_adj_val_tbl=> v_line_adj_val_tbl_out,
      x_line_price_att_tbl=> v_line_price_att_tbl_out,
      x_line_adj_att_tbl=> v_line_adj_att_tbl_out,
      x_line_adj_assoc_tbl=> v_line_adj_assoc_tbl_out,
      x_line_scredit_tbl=> v_line_scredit_tbl_out,
      x_line_scredit_val_tbl=> v_line_scredit_val_tbl_out,
      x_lot_serial_tbl=> v_lot_serial_tbl_out,
      x_lot_serial_val_tbl=> v_lot_serial_val_tbl_out,
      x_action_request_tbl=> v_action_request_tbl_out,
      x_return_status=> v_return_status,
      x_msg_count=> v_msg_count,
      x_msg_data=> v_msg_data

Some of the Order Management R12 new features

Multi-Organization Access Control (MOAC)
  Multi-Org Access Control enables uses to access multiple operating units data from single responsibility. Users can access reports , Concurrent programs , all setup screens of multiple operating units from single responsibility without switching responsibilities. They can also use Order Import to bring in orders for different Operating Units from within a single responsibility

Mass Scheduling Enhancements
 Mass Scheduling can now schedule lines that never been scheduled or those that have failed manual scheduling. Mass Scheduling also supports unscheduling and rescheduling.
Exception Management Enhancements
·         R12 Provides a Concurrent program to preview and tetry stuck transactions(Due to errors in workflow)
·         A Concurrent program was provided to retry these errors Worflow.
·         The program name is "Retry Errored Workflow Activities"
Cascading Attributes
   Cascading the header level attributes to lines of the order. This will reduce the manual entry / update by the user.
 To active this functionality
   Set the profile option : OM: Sales Order Form: Cascade Header Changes to Line
Also enable the cascading attributes by setting up the quick codes.
Setup --> Quick Codes--> Order Management --> Type - 'OM_HEADER_TO_LINE_CASCADE'

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Trading Community Usage Within Order Management

Trading Community
Party: This is a generic term for any entity which can have any type of relationship
with your company. The three primary party types are:
Person: This party type is typically used when you are creating an entity that
operates within a business to customer environment.
Organization: This party type is typically used when you are creating an entity
that operates within a business to business environment.
Party Relationship: This party type represents a binary relationship between
two parties such as a partnership. Party relationship types can be seeded or
user-defined. A party relationship is optionally a party itself, meaning certain
party relationships can enter into relationships themselves (currently not
supported within Order Management).
Party Site: Party Site represents the link between a party and a location (a valid
location for the party. Typically, your organizational hierarchy is used when
2-182 Oracle Order Management Implementation Manual
modeling using party relationships.
Account: An account represents a relationship between your company and a party
in the Trading Community model who is your customer. Accounts contain the
attributes of the selling relationship between your organization and a party.
Account attributes do not describe a party; they only exist when a selling
relationship is present between the your organization and a party. The information
which is used for processing orders and receivables transactions is part of the
account information.
Account Site: A party site address that is used within the context of an account.
Account Site Usage: An account site created for specific usage; for example, billing
or shipping purposes. If a new account site usage is created for a Customer, then
that Account Site Usage will be marked as Primary.
Mapping Order Management terminology to Trading Community terminology
• Customer Site, Customer Location, Customer Address: These terms, within Order
Management equate to Trading Community Account Sites.
• Bill To, Ship To, Deliver To: These terms, within Order Management, equate to
Trading Community Account Sites Usages.
The following figure describes the conceptual usage of the Trading Community model
as utilized currently within Order Management.

Type of RMA orders in Order Management

Overview of Returns
Order Management supports a variety of methods for returning products so your
return polices can respond to the changing needs of your marketplace. For example, a
shipment is damaged in transit and your customer calls to return the item. The type of
product, your customer's needs, and your company's polices can all affect the way you
process this request for return.
Order Management lets you decide at the time you authorize the return how to process
the request. You can accept the return and process a credit for the customer, updating
all sales activity and credit balances. Or you can accept the return for replacement, and
enter a replacement order instead of issuing a credit.
Return Material Authorization Types
1. RMA with Credit Only
Your company issues a credit without the customer returning the product.
2. RMA with Repair
Your customer returns a damaged product. Your company repairs and returns the
2-98 Oracle Order Management User's Guide
product to the customer.
3. RMA with Replacement
Your customer returns a product and your company sends a replacement product
rather than issuing a credit.
4. RMA with Receipt and No Credit
Your customer returns a product you sent to them on a trial basis or at no charge,
therefore they receive no credit.
5. RMA With Receipt and Credit
Customer returns a product and receives credit.
6. Returned Item Fails Inspection (Exception case)
Your customer returns product, Company inspects product and rejects it. Company
scraps product or sends product back to Customer. In this case, you have the option of
performing an RMA transaction of type:
RMA with Repair, RMA with Replacement, RMA with Receipt and No Credit, or RMA
with Receipt and Credit

Restrictions on DISTINCT and UNIQUE Queries


Specify DISTINCT or UNIQUE if you want the database to return only one copy of each set of duplicate rows selected. These two keywords are synonymous. Duplicate rows are those with matching values for each expression in the select list.
Restrictions on DISTINCT and UNIQUE Queries These types of queries are subject to the following restrictions:
  • When you specify DISTINCT or UNIQUE, the total number of bytes in all select list expressions is limited to the size of a data block minus some overhead. This size is specified by the initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE.
  • You cannot specify DISTINCT if the select_list contains LOB columns.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How to find which are application patches installed from back end

SELECT fav.application_name,
DECODE (fpi.status, 'I', 'Installed', 'S', 'Shared', 'N/A') status,
FROM apps.fnd_application_vl fav, apps.fnd_product_installations fpi
WHERE fav.application_id = fpi.application_id;

Forms Personalization back end tables in oracle apps


Where to see the pricing Modifier / Qualifiers related data in Oracle Order Management

Step 1 : Open the Sales order workbench
Step 2 : Query the Sales order
Step 3: Click on the Actions button of Header / Line
Step 4: select the View Adjustments.